Spotlights & Virtual Table Talks
Explore multiple innovative programs and resources in the Family Support and Strengthening field through a panel of brief overview presentations and then choose two per session for deeper dives.
Virtual Table Talks
A Virtual Table Talk is an opportunity to network with others who are interested in a particular topic and peer share about your current work, resources, and partnership opportunities in relation to it. Please note that Table Talks are facilitated discussions, not presentations or workshops.
Spotlight Session 1
Thursday, October 20, 1:30-2:45pm ET
Child Welfare Information Gateway will highlight its many resources to support providers in their work with families to build parental capacities.
Children's Trust Fund Alliance will share resources on supporting families in building protective factors and building effective partnerships with parents.
Dad Central will provide information on the Super Dads Super Kids Program, the My Dad Matters Training for Organizations and Staff, and The Dad Central Show podcast.
Elevance Health will present on serving people across their entire health journey and addressing the full range of needs with an integrated whole-health approach.
EndCAN will share how it advances its mission to end child abuse and neglect in the United States through funding research, prevention, education, and advocacy.
Virtual Table Talks - Round 1
Thursday, October 20, 2:45-3:15pm ET
Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Engaging Fathers/Males
Funder Huddle - by invitation
Implementing the Standards of Quality - Program Level
Implementing the Strengthening Families Approach - Program Level
Moving Beyond ACEs: Implementing Strengths-Based Prevention with Families
Parent Leader Networking - for Parent Leaders
Supporting Families in the Perinatal Phase
Supporting LGBTQ Families
Supporting Refugee Families
Spotlight Session 2
Thursday, October 20, 3:45-5:00pm ET
Alia will share information about Dear Leaders: A resource of starting points for leaders in child welfare to bring family voice and power to the system and Bright Spots: An online source of child welfare practices reviewed by impacted parents.
Be Strong Families will highlight the Newly Revised Parent Café in a Box the All-inclusive Edition, the Be Strong Families Institute: Highly Sensitive People Training, and Questionable: The Family Game.
Bethany will present on the Say YES to FAMILY Initiative - (Family Always Matters In the Lives of Youth), the importance of elevating family and youth voice, partnering with other organizations to support kinship caregivers and implement shared parenting strategies, and setting standards around co-creation for families through parent advisory committees and parent cafes.
Prevent Child Abuse America will share its work with Healthy Families America home visiting sites, developing innovative research, and raising public awareness for family friendly policies at the national, state, and local levels.
VerticalChange will provide information on flexible technology that enables social service organizations and public departments to streamline program management, customize data collection, record assessments, and generate powerful reports on outputs and outcomes.
Virtual Table Talks - Round 2
Thursday, October 20, 5:00-5:30 pm ET
Addressing Compassion Fatigue
Culturally Responsive Strategies for Addressing Traumatic Stress
Developing New Family Resource Centers
Implementing the Standards of Quality - Systems Level
Implementing the Strengthening Families Approach - Systems Level
Parent Leader Networking - for Parent Leaders
Providing Multi-Generational Programming
Supporting Families in Rural Regions
Supporting Parent Leadership Development - for Programs
Working with Families Who are Using Substances
Spotlight Sponsors